How to apply
- Register in the Congress and purchase a participant`s ticket
- When filling application, you will be able to mark desired status: oral presentation or poster presentation.
- Final status (oral presentation or poster presentation) and speech duration will be assigned to you report by the Scientific Committee`s decision.
- Applications should be sent to the Congress coordinator`s email
Letter subject:
«“Report application – your last name».
Letter should contain an abstract in an attached file titled with the author`s name.
Filling procedure:
- Abstract titles, author`s name (in the case of several authors, speaker`s name should be listed first and underlined), institution, city, country.
- Oral presentation/poster presentation – note desired presentation format
- Full name of the contact, phone, email
- Language – Russian, font - Times New Roman 12, abstract length – not more than 4,000 symbols with whitespaces
Abstract structure:
- introduction
- aim of the report
- materials and methods*
- results and discussions
*abstracts should contain no tables, formulas and pictures